This trip, birds not birdies!

Yesterday began a trip to try to get some life birds before the end of the year.  First up: at the Nestucca Bay National Wildlife Refuge on the northern Oregon coast, a Tundra Bean-Goose, feeding with a flock of Cackling and Canada geese, in this field right above my finger!  I got there right around sunset, so was very, very lucky to get the bird right then.

Heading south on the main coastal road to California last night, drove past a place I’ve played before.  Not this trip!

Two days ago, in Patagonia, near the Arizona and Mexico border, attended the festivities celebrating the continued operation of the Paton Center for Hummingbirds.  Photo of me and Bonnie Patton Moon, whose parents allowed strangers starting in the 1970’s to visit their backyard and watch all the incredible hummers that were attracted to their feeders.   

714 Days Until They Hit the Blue Wall

A member of Team Blue, and still in the dumps and frustrated over the smack down election results of a few weeks ago?  I get it: we blew it, beyond belief.  

A giddy member of Team Red, ecstatic over the election results?  I get it, congratulations; but read on, my Republican friends.

In 2008,  I heard Barack Obama in person for the first time, in Austin, Texas, during the primaries.  He and Hilary had debated the night before, on February 21st, and I thought he was long gone.  But when we got out of the taxi in the middle of the city after having dinner a ways out, we could hear a voice from a loudspeaker bouncing off the buildings.  "I think that’s Barack Obama" I exclaimed, walking toward the sound.  Our gait quickened, and before we knew it, we were on the outer rim of a crowd of 15,000 people at rapt attention listening to a guy who was, well let’s face it, full of hope and change.  

The next day I decided to return from self-exile and become very emotionally invested in the outcomes of political elections.  Since then, 90% of my financial support and involvement has been about protecting the Ultimate Firewall, and keeping the presidency of the United States in the blue column.  That part at least has been quite a rewarding ride, as it’s turned out.

As far as the elections downstream – in statehouses, the U.S. House and Senate – are concerned ?  Well, from a Dem’s perspective,  it’s been pretty much of a disaster.  Why that’s been such a debacle is the subject of a different blog post to be written later, and involves a historical review of my observations over the past six years, some quite close up I might add, that confirmed that key advisors Jim Messina, the David’s Plouffe, Axelrod and Simas, and Valerie Jarrett just didn’t give a hoot about anything really other than maintaining a laser beam focus on getting their guy elected, and then re-elected.  We’ve paid a dear price down ticket  because of that myopic strategy, juxtaposed to how really smart the Red Team played the game.  Again, more on that some other time.

But for this post, the objective is to provide some encouragement to my fellow Dems that things will be just fine in 2016 with regards to keeping the Ultimate Firewall in good hands (you know,  with a President that embraces science, and doesn’t get caught up in batshit crazy conspiracy theories, and doesn’t threaten to pick up his marbles and shut down the government every time he or she doesn’t get his way).  

Keep these eight things top of mind these next couple of years and you’ll sleep a whole lot better (or worse, depending):

1.  The Blue Wall are the states that no Republican Presidential candidate has a chance of winning.   All that hand-wringing in October 2012 about Pennsylvania or Wisconsin going Red was a complete cluster by the likes of Scott Rasmussen and Dick Morris and the echo chamber at Fox News.  It won’t happen, for the reasons listed below.  Here’s the map.  The Blue Wall is at 257 out of the 270 to win.  Virginia, with 13 electoral votes, is heading in such a blue direction these past two presidential elections that I should almost make it part of the Blue Wall, but I won’t.  When the Dems win Virginia, it’s all over.  Even without Virginia, if Dems win just ONE of the following states - Ohio, Florida or North Carolina - it’s all game, set, match:

And even beyond those scenarios, there are other combinations that get to 270: any two of these three states:  Colorado, Iowa and Missouri.  The possibilities are not endless, but many.

2. Voter turnout was incredibly low this past mid-term election.  Just awful.  It is an apples to oranges comparison to compare a mid-term election with Presidential election years.  Don’t make it out to be bigger than it is.

3.  This past election, Republican Senate candidates lost in EVERY SINGLE RACE IN THE BLUE WALL.

4.  Social issues favoring the Democratic platform did very well in ballot initiatives.  The country is moving ever so slightly left in almost all parts of the country other than the former Confederacy.  Look at gay marriage. Look at the legalization of pot.  Look at immigration.  Changing demographics are accelerating this shift.  Make no question - Red states have gotten MUCH MORE RED.  By the way, I put West Virginia in this group.  And those on the far right are so hysterical, so paranoid, so shrill, and have such a strong magnifying force called FoxNews, that they appear to be bigger than they are.

Remember,  Republicans wins for the most part are in a declining electoral base of aging, white and rural voters.  This is sort of their last hurrah.  They are not going down without a fight.  They are cranky as hell.  And they did a great job this past mid-term scaring the shit out of their base.

But Purple states are getting more Blue, with the possible exceptions of Iowa and North Carolina.  And Blue states are getting darker Blue.

5.  The Blue Wall, as a whole, is where most of the smart people live, where the best colleges are, where the healthiest people live, where the best healthcare is, where most of the startups and ‘unicorns’ reside, where the overwhelming amount of the country’s wealth is generated outside of the energy industry.  It’s a very powerful force in a Presidential election year.

6.  With the Republicans continuing to tilt right, their focus will be on, as GOP strategist Chris Ladd outlines, “climate denial, theocracy, thinly veiled racism, paranoia and Benghazi hearings.”   Add impeachment talk and government shutdowns to the hysteria.   Ronald Reagan must be turning in his grave.

Make no mistake:  Moderate Republican governing could be winning the day.  Conservative fiscal management, emphasis on personal responsibility, middle-of-the-road positions on social issues - this appeals BIG TIME to the 10% of the voters who are 'undecided’ Independents and who often decide an election in a Purple state.  

But as long as FoxNews is around, that’s just not going to happen.  If I’ve learned one thing over the past six years, it’s that BSC (bat shit crazy) begets more BSC.  Scaring the shit out of people and whipping up 'hate’ and animosity and the 'us vs. them’ dynamic works, and FoxNews is not about to give up that winning formula.

If I was a moderate Republican, I’d be going nuts heading into 2016.  A shift in tack would make a HUGE difference, but there is nothing that is going to stop the BSC Movement; it’s unstoppable.  They can’t help themselves.

7.  While there is some legitimate concern about how President Obama’s executive order on immigration will play out, remember it will play out GREAT in purple states in 2016, many that have a disproportionate number of immigrants.  With so many BSC new Senators and Congressman taking the oath of office next January, there is no way Republicans can make this a winning issue for them.  It’s just not going to happen.

8. The severity of the smack down this last election cycle is actually a good thing for 2016 Blue GOTV.  Team Blue is pissed; there is a lot of hand-wringing going on in a lot of Democratic circles wondering WTF.   They’ll be fired up next election cycle.

Chin up!

Gotta celebrate the wins

When you’re in the business of angel investing, despite your very best due diligence efforts, you’re bound to pick some startups that just don’t make it, despite incredibly hard work by smart entrepreneurs. And on the extreme end of that ‘losing all your money' side of the ROI spectrum, you sometimes invest in real dogs, as in 'what-was-I-thinking-when-I-invested-in-these-guys’ kind of self-flagellation!  I can certainly attest to all that, with now at least half of the 34 startups I’ve invested in since 2000 either out of business or essentially on fumes.  As you might expect, for me that’s the part of angel investing that is absolutely no fun!  I put an exclamation point on that last sentence, but in reality, it is no damn fun.  Period.  Hard stop.

But every now and then, with one of of the startups you’ve invested in, you get to be part of a very fun ride.  And there’s an exit. And the angels get a monument, sort of like a golfer at his club winning an event and getting 'crystal’.  You just have to celebrate these events when they happen.

So last night the guy who introduced me to this deal, George Mosher, and I drove to Madison to be part of a celebratory dinner at a new restaurant called Rare Steakhouse right on the square of the Capitol.  And we had fun, getting to meet and thank key RevolutionEHR executives and talking to fellow angel investors.  And enjoying a nice steak.

(Photo below of CEO Scott Jens telling some incredible backstories about the company leading up to the acquisition by RevOptix.  And a photo of the monument!)

After 37 years, back together on Rugby Road!

When Peter ‘Tar’ Bryan, one of my Delta Sig brothers at UVA, unexpectedly organized a reunion back in Charlottesville, who knew that the turnout would be incredible - 48 guys showed up last weekend!  It admittedly was a bit surreal to see so many guys you hadn’t seen in nearly four decades, but as the saying goes, it was just like yesterday. 


Andy DaMiano and Bob Gardner, 42 years after the three of us teamed up and went on our Pledge Trip to you don’t want to know where!




Homecoming weekend, vs. UNC, up 14 points in the first few minutes of the first quarter, but losing by one:


Before the iPhones got confiscated...

My sister Amy and I in downtown Milwaukee a few minutes before heading into the tent to later sit around a table with President Obama.  At this moment, Amy, who is visiting for a couple days, still didn’t know what was going in; best kept surprise ever!



Allen Stone

Now here’s a guy who knows how to connect with an audience!  Last night at The Vic in Chicago, the band performed in front of around 800 people.  Awesome show, incredible bass solo!

Ryan Adams

A couple nights ago at the Riverside.  First, the guy is artistically brilliant.  Very tight band, amazing vocals, and when the band was performing, it was an awesome performance.

But the stuff that goes on between songs was pretty uncomfortable.  Ryan is exquisitely sensitive to stuff going on in the crowd, from people texting, to shouting out requests, to whatever.  It’s just not pleasant, because once you take that road and start engaging with the couple of wasted idiots in the audience, well, things can digress.  And digress they often did.  As it turns out, you Google Ryan and immediately discover that this uncomfortable banter is commonplace, it’s been going on for years; in fact, he had to go to therapy because he got so upset that fans were requesting songs by Bryan Adams.

Maybe a shrink tuneup would be a good idea, Ryan!



Just when you think you’ve got your home audio system slam-dunked with hip stuff - Sonos speakers synced with Spotify and your playlists as well as Pandora with your favorite radios stations - along comes something new that DRAMATICALLY increases your listening experience.  Welcome to Deezer.

Like Spotify, Deezer is from over the pond, and just entering the US market, in sort of stealth mode.  Launched in France in 2007, it has over 16 million users, almost all of them in Europe.  Like Spotify, it’s a subscription streaming-music service.

But here’s the BIG difference:

Spotify has to significantly compress the sound files due to storage and bandwidth limitations in the way their technology is set up.   Deezer’s new Elite technology, that just launched, is different:  As a result, Deezer is able to send the file digitally as the artist intended when they were in the recording studio.  Think of it as super hi-def; it’s also called digital lossless capture.  We are not talking about a minor improvement statistically speaking; we’re talking improving certain aspects of the fidelity on a metric of 5X or better.  

The sound is amazing.  Not that I was down on my current system, but seriously, it’s a noticeable, ‘wow’ kind of improvement. 

If you’ve got Sonos and want to check it out, go to the app on your phone and go to “Add Music Services” and slide down to Deezer, you can sign up for a 30 day free trial.


And, if you end of really liking the new service, there are links online you can use to help transfer your Spotify playlists over to Deezer.

The Day of the Merlin! Are you looking at me?

With very strong westerly winds today, migrating raptors were pushed to the coast, with hundreds zooming overhead at speeds in excess of 60-70 mph.  Near impossible to photograph, with my fancy but super heavy telephoto lens sans tripod.  But I tried:

At least 70% of the migrating raptors were Merlin, a small, very fast, and fierce, falcon.  You see them approaching just above the tree line, and then they break out into the open above the yard and they’ve shooting over you like they have a jetpack attached to them!  It’s amazing!

Also interesting today which I’ve noticed in the last couple of years since I’ve really been getting into this:  a lot of these raptors that fly over have full gullets (the passage leading to the stomach), meaning that they have recently had meals:

A couple Peregrines. dozens of accipiters, TV’s, Red-tails, lots of Northern Kestrels and a couple other interesting birds overhead, but wow, today belonged to the Merlin!

From the roof deck, where the wind gusts today easily got over 40 mph:

And finally, was this Merlin actually looking at me?  Whoa!  I told you these guys take no prisoners!

So many choices, but whatever you do, choose 'Transparent'


In the old days, there were only a handful of ‘must-see’ TV shows and you could easily manage your viewing schedule.  For many of us, there were a few weekly shows like '60 Minutes’ that were watched with genuine anticipation - who was Mike Wallace going to get next!  

And then there was the occasional series that captured extraordinary national attention, viewed by a huge percentage of the television viewing audience that came to the office the next day ready to share and reflect on what they had seen the night before.  It dominated the discussion.  The miniseries 'Roots’ was an example of such a show.

Today is so different.  So many choices.  So many GOOD choices.  You know my riff - Oh, to be a consumer!  Watching great content during this truly golden age of television with my honey on a big screen TV in high definition has become a highlight of my day, or my week, shall I say my current life?  Of late I’m big on having fun, and I gotta say, watching these shows are really enjoyable.  The content, the acting, the direction, the dialogue, the story lines, it’s all so impressive.

Top on the list:  True Detective, Breaking Bad, Top of the Lake, House of Cards, Boardwalk Empire; Modern Family, Alpha House, Mad Men.

Started off strong until they Jumped the Shark:  Homeland

And now:  Transparent, on Amazon Prime.  We just finished the 10 episodes of Season 1.  It is a ground-breaking show.  Highly recommended. 

A Wedding, A Pour, & Warbler Waves

Congrats to Gray and Laura: lots of laughs at the rehearsal dinner, and genuine joy during the ceremony:



On a side note, Asheville is a great place; an oasis in the middle of it, if you know what I mean.

I mean, what’s not to like about Asheville?  Consider this.  For years, getting a drink at the club I belonged was always a treat when served by a bartender no longer working there.  What we called ‘Luther Pours’ were legendary, and were never matched anywhere on the planet!  No longer!  Here’s the Maker’s Mark 'neat’ at the bar that I was served at a decidedly different lodge-themed Holiday Inn:


I told you Asheville is really cool!  FYI, I never finished this.  

Back home, the past week has been great for birders; there have been some incredible warbler waves coming through.  In these trees, at one of the best places in Wisconsin to see Fall warblers, in Lake Park in Milwaukee, there were hundreds of warblers:  mostly Yellow-rumps, and Palms, but also another 8 species, including great looks of my favorite, a male Black-throated Blue.  Even today, close to 100 warblers in a couple of flocks around the house today (including what I’m quite sure was an Orange-crowned), and it’s October.  And the big raptor days are ahead of us.  Very cool.  It is beautiful in Wisconsin this time of year.



And finally, who is that guy who was the very first to have carrot cake at the wedding?  I’m never going to lose that weight from the Europe trip…


Should methane leaks be of greater concern than fracking?


There is emerging evidence that the far more alarming issue around the natural gas boom in the country is less about fracking (yes, there was some contaminated ground water that you could ignite when it came out of the sink like in the documentary, but of late fracking wells are now constructed more safely, so the argument goes) and much more about methane leaks from the mining of natural gas.  Unburned methane that enters the atmosphere is far worse for global warming than carbon dioxide.  Very interesting article on this by 538:

Before this Ryder Cup is over and forgotten...

Here is a photo of a ball Sergio Garcia threw to the crowd that I was fortunate to retrieve, after he won a match at the 2004 Ryder Cup competition at Oakland Hills Country Club, outside of Detroit; have no idea why he had a blue Smurf-like (or not) character stamped on both sides of his ball (now fading),

but saw the SAME imprint during a closeup of his ball on a putting green the next week during a PGA event on TV.  A curious thing!  I’ve always wondered about that imprint!  Can’t find anything on Google, other than Sergio now plays with balls made by TaylorMade.

Kinglets already?!


The march of time just never lets up, does it?  And now, it’s heading into one of my favorite time/place combos on the planet: early Fall in the Great Lakes.  All the usual suspects have yet again arrived on the scene:  shorter days, cooler nights, Packers games, and the near constant presence of ‘migration’, whether it be Monarch butterflies, or dragonflies, including of course the arrival of certain birds – White-crowned Sparrow and Ruby-crowned Kinglet (yesterday, feeding in one of many awesome warbler flocks at Lake Park), for example – that remind me that yes, once again, we’re transitioning.  I must admit, there is a cadence and rhythm to this part of the seasonal cycle that I find very calming, on these days that start with often cloudless, clear skies and much more often than not end with brilliant, golden sunsets.  Sometimes for 8, 9, 10+ days in a row.

Yard Bird Summary - Our version of a bluebird trail had mixed results this year, no doubt hindered by the setting up of most posts and boxes in late May and early June, hardly ideal for optimal breeding success.  A couple of boxes had Eastern Bluebirds, a couple had Tree Swallows, but the big winners were the three boxes which had House Wrens, resulting in 5 or 6 successful broods.  I mean, by the end of the summer, House Wrens were everywhere!  The big box, set up in June hoping to attract the Kestrel that had previously hung out for a week hunting from the telephone line that crossed through the front field, instead was the summer home for House Sparrows.  Have high hopes for future years.  

Over a 24 hour period last week, we had three new yard birds, now at 154: a skulking Black-billed Cuckoo in a dogwood, American Black Duck (great look at dusk of three flying over the fields) and Great Egret (again, flying over the fields, in the bright morning sky).

 (Photo from Google Images)

Northern Ireland

The Ireland golf trip has headed way north, with high temps and no rain - I wore shorts today.  After golf, we visited Giant’s Causeway, a fascinating area on the coast of thousands of basalt columns, remaining after an ancient volcanic eruption.  Other photos of golf these past few days, including playing a course, The European Club, that had the longest green in the world - 128 yards!








Well, it took 20 years since I started playing, but got my first hole-in-one yesterday - at The Island Golf Club in Ireland!  Number 9 hole, 145 yards.  Hearing the hoopla, the club’s manager, Maurice O'Meara, came out and graciously presented me with their club golf flag:

So far weather has been fantastic as we play courses in both Ireland and Northern Ireland (first photo Port Stewart today):